
對於這次造成嚴重社會秩序威脅的新流感, 網路上不乏相關資料. 但是資訊太多, 有的時候反而很難消化. 所以, 我就在這裡對一些名詞做簡單的名詞解釋, 目的是給一般有高中基礎生物背景的人看得懂那些奇怪的英文字母的組合是什麼碗糕. 各位大學在學學生如果拿去應付各位的微免考試, 被當了請不要來這裡洗版...

對了,如果懶得看字, 那就直接看藍字的部份就可以了解了....



科學雜誌 Science 年度前十大新聞

The Top 10 ScienceNOWs of 2009

ScienceNOW Daily News
24 December 2009

Every year, ScienceNOW publishes hundreds of breaking science news stories, from the discovery of Earth-like planets to new insights into how the brain works. Picking our Top 10 is never an easy task, so we've relied on you to help us out. Most of the stories below were our most popular of 2009, as judged by reader clicks. And we've thrown in some of our staff favorites as well. Enjoy the selection--and Happy Holidays!

每年科學雜誌都會刊登上百篇的突破性的科學新聞故事, 從發現類似地球的行星到如何去觀測大腦工作. 要選取十大新聞的確很難, 所以, 直接由讀者的點閱率決定, 找出2009年十大最多人看的文章. 同時也加上了一些編輯群的偏愛, 請享用, 並祝佳節愉快.


神經退化性疾病的類普利昂機制 Prion-like mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases.

出處: Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Published online 23 December 2009
作者:Bess Frost & Marc I. Diamond
摘要: Many non-infectious neurodegenerative diseases are associated with the accumulation of fibrillar proteins.